Consumer decisions which hotels to rely on until 10 years ago were taken on the basis of rumors from previous customers of their travel experiences, then word of mouth, and still relying on the most popular ads reporting as the main actor of adventure a well-known face of TV.

Over the years word of mouth has not stopped but has used a more incisive dissemination tool with more ease of dissemination, giving the possibility of being able to evaluate other previously unknown alternatives.

So let’s talk about the different Social Media, which for better or for worse, they make their contribution by accumulating reviews and even dispensing travel advice that influences the purchase choices of future tourists.

Social media to target customers in the funnel adopting a purely social media communication is the topic preferred by the different social media managers, from whom It is important to take and underline a pearl of the topics they deal with,that is, disclosure and positioning.

Among social media, not only the classics that start from facebook, Instagram or the like, and therefore based their communication on a more personal aspect of users’ lives, instead a particular attention should be focused on those that have been designed for play a very specific role in the world of travel and industry of hospitality.

OTAs, where some of which share travel information and suggestions for the same, in fact they propose, with characteristic systems of platforms, a propaganda for hotels that includes reviews of different guests, distinction by price ranges or travel alternatives.

If the main online travel agencies, however, enjoy notoriety and do not they now need word of mouth, the most small ones instead need to be placed in front of the eyes of the visitors to be discovered; to support this visibility the OTAs themselves make available to the supplier, by payment of a\ commission, the purchase of a space in which o place listings that, based on to the amount, they can have a high impact on the customer’s attention.

So the first step to direct the consumer to the funnel that the supplier structured is to have an active participation in the different social networks, whether it is OTA or more personal media, sharing information, news or experiences reported by them travelers; later get positive reviews from past experiences; and again identify a strategy that involves the use of Ads in the various Social Media through which you will plan

A specific offer that can emerge compared to those of other structures. in fact, the proposal must be more inviting with reference to those of the competitor, we cannot underestimate the quality that first represents an element of comparison for the customer between several suppliers present in the platform.

So if in the past TV actors were hired to exercise the role of the traveler, today it is the people who travel for people. this role acquired by the different social influencers allows you to make the experience more true and unset, previously mentioned, and makes the observer identify even more in the role than in that moment he covers the influencer.

The technique therefore allows you to have the content to be included in the own feed and give a purer, but satisfying travel perspective, “Of the actor.” another aspect not to be underestimated for the social networks of the different hotels is that linked to User Experience (UX), this competence guarantees a simple and pleasant browsing experience for the navigator, as well as make in the eyes of the same a visibly accurate image of the feed; the steps to facilitate reading content consist of adopting a simple communication, a clean image grid that has a continuous pattern.

It is particularly useful to anticipate the information that a visitor he wants to achieve by entering the platform where he chose to do the research; also predict concerns or questions that could arising from a reader is a way to make use of a position more advantageous, to respond exhaustively to the same and conceive an offer more in line with your needs.

A negative preconception confirmed by reading non-positive comments leads to a reduction in interest; therefore, accompanying the future host towards the outlined funnel is a priority, to avoid situations unpleasant on the part of the same.

Social media communication for hotels leads them to a direct comparison with customers, this must lead the supplier to build from the beginning its identifying tone of voice that must be reported in interactions with the public. Adoption of a tone of voice, communication through images characteristics and typical of the modus operandi of the Hotel and the constant interaction with the public shows the latter the care and attention that they are dedicated, and define in the mind of the consumer the recognition of the accommodation facility also in other platforms, leading it to increasing interest and maximizing conversion.

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